The quantities provided above are averages only.
Produced in a facility that processes milk, sesame, eggs, fish, shellfish, crustaceans, mustard, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, soybean and sulphites.
250 g
Ground Beef
1 unit(s)
Sweet Potato
2 tbsp
Mexican Seasoning
(May contain Sesame, Triticale, Peanuts, Tree nuts, Wheat, Mustard, Sulphites, Milk, Soy)
1 unit(s)
Sour Cream
½ cup
Cheddar Cheese, shredded
(Contains Milk)
113 g
Corn Kernels
7 g
1 unit(s)
Green Bell Pepper
1 unit(s)
Black Beans
Wash and dry all produce.* Cut the sweet potatoes in half. Transfer the sweet potatoes, cut side downdown onto to a parchemnt lined baking sheet. Roast in the middle of the oven until sweet potatoes cooked through 22-24 min.
Core then cut the peppers into 1/4 inch cubes. Thinly slice the chives. Drain and rinse the black beans.
Heat a large non-stick pan over medium high heat. When the pan is hot add 1 tbsp oil, then the beef. Cook, breaking up the beef into smaller pieces, until no pink remains, 4-5 min. (TIP: Cook to a minimum internal temp. of 71°C/160°F.**)
Add the peppers, corn, black beans and mexican seasoning to the pan. Cook, stirring often untill the green peppers have softened slightly 2-3 min. Remove sweet potatoes from the oven. Let cool slighlty 2-3min. Scoop out the inside of the sweet potato leaving a 1/4-inch border of sweet potato flesh. Add the sweet potato to the pan. Stir to combine.
Change the oven over to broil. Retun the sweet potato skins to the parchment lined baking sheet. Fill the sweet potato skins with the beef mixture. Sprinkle over the cheese. Broil in the middle of the oven until the cheese melts 2-3min.
Divide the Tex mex sweet potatoes between plates. Top with the sour cream. Sprinkle over the chives.